All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractCodec |
This wraps various codec (encode/decode) methods used in QDL in a
single interface.
AbstractEvaluator |
Top level.
AbstractEvaluator.CommonKeyIterator |
AbstractEvaluator.fPointer |
Function pointer class since this ishow youdo that in Java.
AbstractEvaluator.fpResult |
AbstractState |
This helps us organize the functionality of the state object.
AbstractState.QDLStackTraceElement |
AbstractVFSFileProvider |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/28/20 at 5:07 PM
AllIndices |
Marker class to show all the indices are to be used.
AltIfExpressionNode |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 5/27/21 at 5:13 PM
ANode2 |
Very much improved way to handle assignments.
AnotherJSONUtil |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 6/1/20 at 3:52 PM
ArgList |
Commonly used.
AssertionException |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 6/1/21 at 12:57 PM
AssertStatement |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 6/1/21 at 12:53 PM
AutosaveThread |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/5/21 at 6:50 AM
BadArgException |
Thrown when the argument to a function is not an accepted type.
BadStemValueException |
This is used when recursing a stem with E.g.
Banners |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 4/24/23 at 7:21 AM
Base16Codec |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 3/27/23 at 8:02 AM
Base32Codec |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 3/27/23 at 8:02 AM
Base64Codec |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 3/27/23 at 8:03 AM
BlockStatement |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 6/22/21 at 6:34 AM
BreakException |
Used in loops to signal a break command since it is almost impossible to hop out of a complex
expression tree and do the right flow
BufferManager |
This manages buffers, i.e., things that may be edited and run.
BufferManager.BufferRecord |
BufferSaveAction |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 8/27/22 at 6:37 AM
BufferSaveResponse |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 8/29/22 at 11:23 AM
ClassMigrator |
With the package renames from 1.5.6 to 1.6.0, serialized classes cannot be
reconstructed, This tool is used for that
ClosedSliceNode |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 6/1/21 at 9:25 AM
ComparisonDyad |
Dyad that compares the arguments, such as with comparisons, regex matching and types of equality.
ConcatFunction |
Example of a basic QDL function implemented in Java.
ConditionalStatement |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 1/17/20 at 3:34 PM
Console |
Constant |
Utility class to manage constants for the system.
ConstantNode |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 1/13/20 at 4:08 PM
ContinueException |
Used in loops to signal a continue command since it is almost impossible to hop out of a complex
expression tree and do the right flow
Crypto |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 8/16/22 at 1:34 PM
CryptoLoader |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 8/16/22 at 3:16 PM
CryptoModule |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 8/16/22 at 3:17 PM
CSVCodec |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 11/15/23 at 9:28 AM
Data |
For Swing implementation of IOInterface .
DeserializationException |
This should only be thrown during deserialization if there is an actual problem
with the deserialization of on otherwise valid file, e.g.
Documentable |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 5/27/20 at 9:47 AM
Dyad |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 1/13/20 at 3:47 PM
DyadicFunctionReferenceNode |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 6/10/24 at 12:43 PM
DynamoDB |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 6/20/24 at 9:54 AM
ECMACodec |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 11/15/23 at 9:28 AM
EditDoneEvent |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 8/10/22 at 2:42 PM
EditorKeyPressedAdapter |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 3/20/23 at 3:56 PM
EditResponse |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 8/26/22 at 2:28 PM
EGLoader |
This is a sample of how to write a loader to get a module in to QDL.
EGModule |
The module for the basic.
Element |
The parser returns elements.
ElementRecord |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 1/15/20 at 1:50 PM
ESN2 |
After a parser change to treat the dot as an operator, this was
EvaluatorInterface |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 1/16/20 at 9:22 AM
ExpressionImpl |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 1/13/20 at 3:15 PM
ExpressionInterface |
The actual top-level interface for an expression.
ExpressionNode |
This class mostly manages the structure of expressions (so arguments are the children) and
evaluating them is delegating the result to the OpEvaluator class.
ExpressionStemNode |
Models a stem.
ExtraArgException |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 4/17/22 at 6:06 AM
ExtrinsicFunction |
An basic of an extrinsic (aka global, static in other languages) function.
ExtrinsicVar |
An extrinsic (aka global, static in other langauges) variable in the workspace.
FEvalFunction |
Example of a QDL function for a module that accepts a function reference.
FileEntries |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/19/20 at 6:19 AM
FileEntry |
Generic entry for the virtual file system.
FileEntryConstants |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 3/1/20 at 7:21 AM
FKey |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 11/26/21 at 7:46 AM
FontUtil |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 6/27/24 at 7:08 AM
FormattedStem |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 9/16/21 at 6:45 AM
FormattedStems<V> |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 9/16/21 at 7:38 AM
FR_WithState |
A facade for a function record.
FStack<V extends FTable<? extends FKey,? extends FunctionRecord>> |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 3/15/21 at 6:22 AM
FTable<K extends FKey,V extends FunctionRecord> |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 11/19/21 at 7:48 AM
FunctionArgException |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 4/17/22 at 6:05 AM
FunctionDefinitionStatement |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 3/20/21 at 8:46 AM
FunctionEvaluator |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 1/22/20 at 10:53 AM
FunctionRecord |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 1/22/20 at 10:48 AM
FunctionRecordInterface |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 12/7/23 at 9:43 AM
FunctionReferenceNode |
Just a pointer to the collection of functions for a given name.
FunctionReferenceNodeInterface |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 6/11/24 at 12:23 AM
FunctionState |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/2/20 at 6:48 AM
GetHelpTopicAction |
Gets help for a given topic.
GetHelpTopicResponse |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 8/29/22 at 7:24 AM
HasResultInterface |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 3/11/20 at 6:33 AM
HTMLCodec |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 11/15/23 at 9:16 AM
HTTPClient |
IDUtils |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 1/15/20 at 6:30 AM
ImportException |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 1/21/20 at 3:39 PM
IndexArg |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 7/1/22 at 4:51 PM
IndexArgs |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 7/1/22 at 4:50 PM
IndexError |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/2/20 at 9:36 AM
IndexList |
A simple list of indices for a stem.
iniBaseListener |
This class provides an empty implementation of iniListener ,
which can be extended to create a listener which only needs to handle a subset
of the available methods.
iniLexer |
iniListener |
This interface defines a complete listener for a parse tree produced by
iniParser .
IniListenerImpl |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 10/11/21 at 8:15 AM
iniParser |
iniParser.EntriesContext |
iniParser.EntryContext |
iniParser.IniContext |
iniParser.LineContext |
iniParser.SectionContext |
iniParser.SectionheaderContext |
IniParserDriver |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 10/11/21 at 8:24 AM
InputFormUtil |
Utility that converts various objects to their input form.
Installer |
Really simple installer.
InterruptException |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 10/25/20 at 2:35 PM
IntrinsicViolation |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 9/26/21 at 6:54 AM
IOEvaluator |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 1/16/20 at 9:18 AM
JavaCodec |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 11/15/23 at 9:29 AM
JavaModule |
This will let you create your own extensions to QDL in Java.
JavaModuleConfig |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/27/20 at 1:07 PM
JSONCodec |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 11/15/23 at 9:27 AM
JSONScriptUtil |
Writes a set of scripts to a configuration object.
LambdaDefinitionNode |
To treat defined lambda expressions they must be edu.uiuc.ncsa.qdl.expressions.ExpressionNode s
This wraps a FunctionDefinitionStatement , which cannot be replaced.
LibLoader |
Class that is used to inject libraries into the state info() stem.
LineUtil |
Do line operations on a text area.
ListDistroFiles |
This is a utility class that has the logic of how to make a list of only
the files in the current distribution.
ListEvaluator |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 9/30/21 at 5:07 PM
ListFunctionsAction |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 8/27/22 at 5:00 PM
ListFunctionsResponse |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 8/27/22 at 5:15 PM
LocalBlockStatement |
Local block statments.These have completely local state an know nothing of the ambient space.
MathEvaluator |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 1/16/20 at 9:18 AM
MetaCodec |
This will convert a string and encode or decode all characters that are not [a-z][A-Z] as
per various standards.
MetaEvaluator |
This is charged with managing the build-in functions as well as any that the
user defines.
MissingArgException |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 4/17/22 at 6:06 AM
MissingArgumentException |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 1/26/20 at 6:27 AM
MIStack<V extends MITable<? extends XKey,? extends MIWrapper>> |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 1/29/22 at 7:25 AM
MITable<K extends XKey,V extends MIWrapper> |
Table of modules keyed by alias.
MIWrapper |
A wrapper for module instances.
Module |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 1/21/20 at 11:03 AM
ModuleConfig |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/27/20 at 1:06 PM
ModuleConfigImpl |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/27/20 at 1:09 PM
ModuleEvaluator |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 11/21/23 at 6:42 AM
ModuleExpression |
Models a single module expression of the form A#expression where A
is the alias giving the instance of the current module
and expression is a general expression to be evaluated against
the state of the module.
ModuleInstantiationException |
ModuleState |
Handles all the module related operations for the state.
ModuleStatement |
Has to exist and fulfill various contracts, but mostly this collects state and statements and puts them
in a module object.
ModuleUtils |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 11/21/23 at 7:55 AM
Monad |
A post or prefix operator, such a logical not or ++.
MTKey |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 12/13/21 at 7:18 AM
MTStack<V extends MTTable<? extends MTKey,? extends Module>> |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 12/13/21 at 7:17 AM
MTTable<K extends MTKey,V extends Module> |
Module template table.
NamespaceAwareState |
This adds the namespace resolution awareness to the state object.
NamespaceException |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 1/21/20 at 3:42 PM
Nilad |
This would be an operator that takes no arguments.
NoOpScalarImpl |
Basic implementation of ProcessScalar that simply throws an exception for each argument.
OpenSliceNode |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 6/1/21 at 8:38 AM
OpEvaluator |
Class charged with evaluating algebraic expressions.
ParenthesizedExpression |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 6/13/21 at 3:44 PM
ParseExpressionBlockNode |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 6/1/21 at 6:43 AM
ParseRecord |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 1/15/20 at 1:48 PM
ParserExceptionListener |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/9/20 at 9:33 PM
ParseStatementBlock |
Top level for various block statements in the parser.
ParsingException |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 1/29/20 at 3:00 PM
ParsingMap |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 1/15/20 at 6:19 AM
Polyad |
For multiple arguments.
ProcessScalar |
ProcessScalarImpl |
Basic (identity) implementation of ProcessScalar , simply returns each argument unchanged.
QDLAggregateUtil |
The QDL utility for processing aggregates (stems and sets).
QDLCharKeyAdapter |
This will listen for key strokes that are remapped to special characters
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/28/23 at 7:53 AM
QDLCLIToolsLoader |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/28/23 at 7:53 AM
QDLCLIToolsModule |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/28/23 at 7:54 AM
QDLConfigurationConstants |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/27/20 at 7:40 AM
QDLConfigurationLoader<T extends QDLEnvironment> |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/27/20 at 7:37 AM
QDLConfigurationLoaderUtils |
Takes node from a QDL configuration and sets a bunch of information for a configuration.
QDLConstants |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 4/20/20 at 12:53 PM
QDLConvert |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/13/23 at 7:33 AM
QDLConvert.MyStemStack<V extends QDLStem> |
QDLConvertLoader |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/13/23 at 7:29 AM
QDLConvertModule |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/13/23 at 7:29 AM
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 5/5/22 at 7:11 AM
QDLDBLoader |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 5/5/22 at 12:06 PM
QDLDBModule |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 5/5/22 at 12:02 PM
QDLDebugListener |
This should be used for debugging in that it does nothing in the way of producing usable objects,
it simply prints out the various states and relations during parsing.
QDLDynamoDBLoader |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 5/5/22 at 12:06 PM
QDLDynamoDBModule |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 5/5/22 at 12:02 PM
QDLEditor |
A standalone editor for QDL.
QDLEditor2 |
Basic testing for GUI.
QDLEnvironment |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/27/20 at 9:11 AM
QDLException |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 1/25/20 at 6:47 AM
QDLExceptionWithTrace |
An exception when evaluating a set of statements.
QDLExe |
This wraps the QDL workspace and turns it into a SAS executable.
QDLFileAccessException |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 8/29/22 at 2:41 PM
QDLFileNotFoundException |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 8/29/22 at 2:39 PM
QDLFileUtil |
Bunch of file reading and writing utilities so I don't have to boiler plate this stuff
Note that these are all VFS aware and server mode aware, so exceptions are
thrown if, e.g., a read attempt is made of a native file in server mode.
QDLFileUtil.FileAttributes |
QDLFunction |
A wrapper for a single Java method that can be invoked from QDL.
QDLFunctionRecord |
This is needed for internal bookkeeping.
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 10/5/21 at 10:20 AM
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 10/5/21 at 8:36 AM
QDLIllegalAccessException |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 1/25/21 at 10:16 AM
QDLInterpreter |
This is a facade for the various components of the parser and lexer.
QDLIOException |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 3/4/20 at 10:33 AM
QDLList |
This is used internally by a stem to store its entries that have integer indices.
QDLList.MyIterator |
This iterates over the elements of this QDL list.
QDLList.seGapException |
QDLListener |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 1/15/20 at 6:17 AM
QDLLoader |
Interface for loading your classes.
QDLMail |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 11/2/23 at 11:17 AM
QDLMailLoader |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 11/2/23 at 11:17 AM
QDLMailModule |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 11/2/23 at 11:17 AM
QDLMap |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 6/27/22 at 6:46 AM
QDLMetaModule |
One way to make a Java module is to have a super class and have each method
or variable defined as non-static inner classes.
QDLModule |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 4/1/20 at 11:30 AM
QDLModuleConfig |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/27/20 at 1:09 PM
QDLNull |
This represents when the user explicitly sets a variable to null.
QDLParserBaseListener |
This class provides an empty implementation of QDLParserListener ,
which can be extended to create a listener which only needs to handle a subset
of the available methods.
QDLParserDriver |
The main parser.
QDLParserLexer |
QDLParserListener |
This interface defines a complete listener for a parse tree produced by
QDLParserParser .
QDLParserParser |
QDLParserParser.AddExpressionContext |
QDLParserParser.AltIFExpressionContext |
QDLParserParser.AndExpressionContext |
QDLParserParser.AppliesOperatorContext |
QDLParserParser.AssertStatement2Context |
QDLParserParser.AssertStatementContext |
QDLParserParser.AssignmentContext |
QDLParserParser.AssociationContext |
QDLParserParser.BlockStatementContext |
QDLParserParser.CompExpressionContext |
QDLParserParser.ConditionalBlockContext |
QDLParserParser.ConditionalStatementContext |
QDLParserParser.ContainsKeyContext |
QDLParserParser.DefineStatementContext |
QDLParserParser.DocStatementBlockContext |
QDLParserParser.DotOp2Context |
QDLParserParser.DotOpContext |
QDLParserParser.DyadicFunctionRefernceContext |
QDLParserParser.ElementContext |
QDLParserParser.ElementsContext |
QDLParserParser.EpsilonContext |
QDLParserParser.EqExpressionContext |
QDLParserParser.ExpressionBlockContext |
QDLParserParser.ExpressionContext |
QDLParserParser.ExpressionDyadicOpsContext |
QDLParserParser.Extract2Context |
QDLParserParser.Extract3Context |
QDLParserParser.Extract4Context |
QDLParserParser.ExtractContext |
QDLParserParser.F_argsContext |
QDLParserParser.FdocContext |
QDLParserParser.FloorOrCeilingExpressionContext |
QDLParserParser.ForAllContext |
QDLParserParser.FrefDyadicOpsContext |
QDLParserParser.FunctionContext |
QDLParserParser.FunctionReferenceContext |
QDLParserParser.FunctionsContext |
QDLParserParser.IfElseStatementContext |
QDLParserParser.IfStatementContext |
QDLParserParser.IIntervalContext |
QDLParserParser.IntegerContext |
QDLParserParser.IntegersContext |
QDLParserParser.IntersectionOrUnionContext |
QDLParserParser.IntIntervalContext |
QDLParserParser.Is_aContext |
QDLParserParser.IsDefinedDyadicExpressionContext |
QDLParserParser.IsDefinedExpressionContext |
QDLParserParser.KeywordContext |
QDLParserParser.KeywordsContext |
QDLParserParser.LambdaDefContext |
QDLParserParser.LambdaStatementContext |
QDLParserParser.LocalStatementContext |
QDLParserParser.LogicalContext |
QDLParserParser.LoopStatementContext |
QDLParserParser.ModuleExpressionContext |
QDLParserParser.ModuleStatementContext |
QDLParserParser.MultiplyExpressionContext |
QDLParserParser.NotExpressionContext |
QDLParserParser.NullContext |
QDLParserParser.NumberContext |
QDLParserParser.NumbersContext |
QDLParserParser.Op_refContext |
QDLParserParser.OperatorReferenceContext |
QDLParserParser.OrExpressionContext |
QDLParserParser.PostfixContext |
QDLParserParser.PowerExpressionContext |
QDLParserParser.PrefixContext |
QDLParserParser.RealIntervalContext |
QDLParserParser.RegexMatchesContext |
QDLParserParser.RIntervalContext |
QDLParserParser.SetContext |
QDLParserParser.SetThingContext |
QDLParserParser.StatementBlockContext |
QDLParserParser.StatementContext |
QDLParserParser.StemEntryContext |
QDLParserParser.StemLiContext |
QDLParserParser.StemListContext |
QDLParserParser.StemValueContext |
QDLParserParser.StemVarContext |
QDLParserParser.StemVariableContext |
QDLParserParser.StringsContext |
QDLParserParser.SwitchExpressionContext |
QDLParserParser.SwitchStatementContext |
QDLParserParser.TildeExpressionContext |
QDLParserParser.ToSetContext |
QDLParserParser.TransposeOperatorContext |
QDLParserParser.TryCatchStatementContext |
QDLParserParser.UnaryApplyExpressionContext |
QDLParserParser.UnaryMinusExpressionContext |
QDLParserParser.UnaryTildeExpressionContext |
QDLParserParser.UnaryTransposeExpressionContext |
QDLParserParser.VariableContext |
QDLParserParser.VariablesContext |
QDLRunner |
The main class that runs a parse tree
QDLRuntimeException |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 1/28/20 at 7:13 AM
QDLSASActionDeserializer |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 8/27/22 at 6:39 AM
QDLSASBootstrapper |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 8/28/22 at 8:13 AM
QDLSASConfigurationLoader<T extends QDLSASEnvironment> |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 8/28/22 at 8:14 AM
QDLSASConstants |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 8/26/22 at 2:28 PM
QDLSASEditor |
Slight tweak on the standard QDLEditor to work with SAS clients.
QDLSASEnvironment |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 8/28/22 at 8:14 AM
QDLSASResponseDeserializer |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 8/26/22 at 5:09 PM
QDLSASServlet |
The SAS Servlet.It really only needs to create the correct executable, so there is not
a lot to it.
QDLSASTerminal |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 8/26/22 at 9:16 AM
QDLSASWorkspaceCommands |
Extends the QDL Workspace commands.
QDLScript |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/4/20 at 5:09 PM
QDLServerModeException |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/5/20 at 9:32 AM
QDLSet |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 4/6/22 at 4:02 PM
QDLSetNode |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 4/6/22 at 4:06 PM
QDLStem |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 6/27/22 at 6:33 AM
QDLStem.KeyRankMap |
QDLStem.OrderedIndexEntry |
QDLSwingIO |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 8/4/22 at 7:50 AM
QDLSwingUtil |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 8/10/22 at 1:27 PM
QDLSyntax |
TokenMaker class generated by TokenMakerMaker utility 08/09/2022
By Jeff Gaynor
QDLTerminal |
Keymap extensions for QDL only.
QDLThread |
This is used to fork scripts and run them in their own threads.
QDLThreadRecord |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/9/23 at 9:27 AM
QDLVariable |
This represents a QDL variable.
QDLVersion |
The current version of QDL.
QDLWorkspace |
This has the machinery for getting lines of input from the user and then feeding them to the
RaiseErrorException |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 1/24/20 at 3:48 PM
RankException |
Thrown when trying to access parts of stems that don't exist.
RecursionException |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 1/24/20 at 6:24 AM
ResourceModule |
Special type of ModuleConfig that is used by the workspace
to load resources from the distro.
ReturnException |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 1/22/20 at 1:14 PM
Scripts |
Utilities for converting a single QDLScript to or from JSON.
SelectExpressionNode |
An expression for switches.
SerializationConstants |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 12/27/20 at 7:02 AM
SerializationState |
This is for things like State and Module
objects that are to be references by uuid when serializing/deserializing to prevent infinite recursion.
SIEntry |
An entry in the SI (state indicator) table.
SizeQuery |
SparseEntry |
Comparable entries for sparse entries.
State |
This is a facade for the various stateful components we have to track.
StatefulExample |
StatefulLoader |
StatefulModule |
Statement |
Top-level interface for all statements and expressions.
StatementRecord |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 1/15/20 at 6:18 AM
StateUtils |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/6/20 at 1:33 PM
StemConverter |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 10/30/20 at 6:13 AM
StemEntryNode |
Models an entry for a stem variable (that is not a list element).
StemEntryVar |
This shows that you can set individual values with a stem.
StemEvaluator |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 1/16/20 at 9:19 AM
StemEvaluator.AxisAction |
StemEvaluator.CyclicArgList |
This makes an infinite arg list for creating new stems.
StemExtractionNode |
This will allow for creating a subset (copy of portion) of a stem.
StemKeys |
A set for looping through keys of a stem.
StemListNode |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 9/28/20 at 1:28 PM
StemMultiIndex |
If we get a stem variable, this has the components to it
StemPath<V extends StemPathEntry> |
A path in a stem.
StemPathEntry |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 6/7/21 at 8:47 AM
StemUtility |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 3/24/21 at 12:38 PM
StemUtility.DyadAxisAction |
Action to be applied at a given axis.
StemUtility.StemAxisWalkerAction1 |
For operations that return a stem.
StemVar |
A sample stem that has various types added to it.
StemVariable |
StemVariableNode |
This is used in parsing.
StringEvaluator |
This evaluates all string functions.
SwingTerminal |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 8/9/22 at 7:12 AM
SwitchStatement |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 1/17/20 at 3:42 PM
SystemEvaluator |
For control structure in loops, conditionals etc.
TerminalInterface |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 8/9/22 at 12:41 PM
TMathEvaluator |
Class for transcendental functions, like log, exponentiation etc.
TokenPosition |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 11/4/21 at 7:05 AM
TryCatch |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 1/22/20 at 10:36 AM
Types |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 6/24/22 at 1:00 PM
UndefinedFunctionException |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 1/21/20 at 6:51 AM
UnevaluatedExpressionException |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 1/13/20 at 3:19 PM
UnknownSymbolException |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 1/25/20 at 6:47 AM
UnknownTypeException |
URLCodec |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 3/27/23 at 7:59 AM
VariableCodec |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 3/27/23 at 7:57 AM
VariableNode |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 1/13/20 at 4:28 PM
VariableState |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/2/20 at 6:42 AM
VariableState.CyclicalError |
VariableState.ResolveState |
VFSAbstractConfig |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 3/4/20 at 3:13 PM
VFSConfig |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/27/20 at 12:49 PM
VFSDatabase |
Note that all of the arguments to this database for keys are assumed to be normalized, resolved,
etc., etc.
VFSEntry |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/19/20 at 5:58 AM
VFSFileProvider |
A QDL virtual file system.
VFSMemoryConfig |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 3/4/20 at 3:13 PM
VFSMemoryDirectoryEntry |
VFSMemoryFileProvider |
A VFS backed by a hash table.
VFSMetaEntry |
VFSMySQLProvider |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/28/20 at 7:17 AM
VFSPassThroughConfig |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/27/20 at 12:51 PM
VFSPassThruFileProvider |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/26/20 at 1:05 PM
VFSPaths |
This is compatible with the Path interface but does not implement it.
VFSSQLConfig |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 3/4/20 at 3:24 PM
VFSZipFileConfig |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 3/5/20 at 5:54 PM
VFSZipFileProvider |
This is experimental.
VFSZipFileProvider.MapZipEntry |
VStack<V extends VTable<? extends XKey,? extends VThing>> |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/20/22 at 6:14 AM
VTable<K extends XKey,V extends VThing> |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/20/22 at 6:12 AM
VThing |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/20/22 at 6:07 AM
WhileLoop |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 1/17/20 at 4:44 PM
WorkspaceCommands |
This is the helper class to the QDLWorkspace that does the grunt work of the ) commands.
WorkspaceCommands.RegexFileFilter |
WorkspaceCommands.SIEntries |
WorkspaceCommands.WSInternals |
WorkspaceCommands.WSLibEntry |
WorkspaceCommandsProvider |
WorkspaceProvider |
WorkspaceProviderImpl |
WrongArgCountException |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 4/17/22 at 5:41 PM
WSJSONSerializer |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 11/28/23 at 3:33 PM
WSXMLSerializer |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 1/2/21 at 5:54 AM
X509 |
X509Loader |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 8/16/22 at 3:16 PM
X509Module |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 8/16/22 at 3:17 PM
XKey |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 11/26/21 at 7:44 AM
XMLCodec |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 11/15/23 at 9:22 AM
XMLMissingCloseTagException |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 1/8/21 at 6:15 AM
XMLSerializable |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 1/1/21 at 6:49 AM
XMLTest |
A class for testing XML snippets.
XMLUtils |
A class for all those XML related snippets that are re-used everywhere.
XMLUtils.ModuleAttributes |
Internal class to manage attributes for a module.
XMLUtilsV2 |
XML Utilities for version 2 of serialization.
XMLUtilsV2.StateAttributes |
XSICodec |
For encoding/decoding XSI Shell Language strings.
XStack<V extends XTable<? extends XKey,? extends XThing>> |
A stateful stack of things, such as functions.
XTable<K extends XKey,V extends XThing> |
A symbol table.
XThing |
Top-level object for a thing (object) that has a name in that is unique in a local