Class StemMultiIndex

  • public class StemMultiIndex
    extends Object
    If we get a stem variable, this has the components to it
    • Constructor Detail

      • StemMultiIndex

        public StemMultiIndex​(StemMultiIndex w,
                              int newNameIndex)
        Given a stem wrapper where a stem reference has been found at newNameIndex, make a new object suitable for handing to a stem variable for resolution. The original index, w, should have its realLength adjusted accordingly
        w -
        newNameIndex -
      • StemMultiIndex

        public StemMultiIndex​(String variable)
        Creates a new instance from the variable. Note that the name is the entire stem name, so a.i.j... and this parses it into components. The very first component is always the name of the stem.
        variable -
      • StemMultiIndex

        protected StemMultiIndex()
    • Method Detail

      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
        So no indices.
      • getRealLength

        public int getRealLength()
      • setRealLength

        public void setRealLength​(int realLength)
      • getComponents

        public List<String> getComponents()
      • getLastComponent

        public String getLastComponent()
      • getName

        public String getName()
      • isStem

        public boolean isStem()
      • truncate

        public StemMultiIndex truncate()
        Returns a new Stem that is adjusted to the realLength