Class QDLSet

    • Constructor Detail

      • QDLSet

        public QDLSet()
      • QDLSet

        public QDLSet​(Set set)
        Constructor to initialize a set from another non-QDL set. This adds every element of the argument, not just the argument.
        set -
    • Method Detail

      • fromJSON

        public void fromJSON​(net.sf.json.JSONArray array)
        JSON does not have sets, so this is a bit klugy: It will take an array and stick the values into a set. This is lossy.
        array -
      • toJSON

        public net.sf.json.JSONArray toJSON()
      • inputForm

        public String inputForm()
      • isSubsetOf

        public boolean isSubsetOf​(QDLSet arg)
      • isEqualTo

        public boolean isEqualTo​(QDLSet arg)
      • symmetricDifference

        public QDLSet symmetricDifference​(QDLSet arg)
      • main

        public static void main​(String[] args)
      • convertToList

        protected List convertToList()