Uses of Class
Packages that use State Package Description org.qdl_lang.config All things relating to the QDL configuration Evaluators evaluate the built-in functions for QDL as well as perform the usual algebraic Expressions are objects that take zero or more arguments and return a This contains the classes for extending the QDL language with The conversion The cryptographic QDL's basic database org.qdl_lang.extensions.examples.basic This package contains a simple basic of how to make a java module for org.qdl_lang.extensions.http HTTP access module for QDL's module for processing command line org.qdl_lang.extensions.X509 org.qdl_lang.functions Function handling and Swing terminal Classes that model and manage modules in Classes that support parsing and the parser QDL implementation of the NCSA Security Library's Classes that manage the state of an interpreter The two basic syntactic units of QDL are expressions (which return results) and statements which are the other control structures, such as conditionals, loops, Utilities for Variables in QDL and classes that support The workspace and the commands that drive Everything relating to serialization of QDL workspaces to/from XML. -
Uses of State in org.qdl_lang.config
Methods in org.qdl_lang.config with parameters of type State Modifier and Type Method Description static String
QDLConfigurationLoaderUtils. runBootScript(QDLEnvironment config, State state)
static List<String>
QDLConfigurationLoaderUtils. setupJavaModule(State state, QDLLoader loader, JavaModuleConfig jmc)
static String[]
QDLConfigurationLoaderUtils. setupModules(QDLEnvironment config, State state)
static void
QDLConfigurationLoaderUtils. setupVFS(QDLEnvironment config, State state)
Uses of State in org.qdl_lang.evaluate
Methods in org.qdl_lang.evaluate with parameters of type State Modifier and Type Method Description protected QDLSet
OpEvaluator. applyToSet(QDLStem lArg, QDLSet rArg, Object defaultValue, State state, Dyad dyad)
protected QDLStem
OpEvaluator. applyToStem(QDLStem lArg, QDLStem rArg, Object defaultValue, State state, Dyad dyad)
protected Object
ListEvaluator. checkCopyNode(ExpressionInterface expr, State state, boolean doInsert)
protected boolean
SystemEvaluator. checkDefined(ExpressionInterface exp, State state)
protected Boolean
FunctionEvaluator. checkIsFunction(String fName, int argCount, State state)
static void
AbstractEvaluator. checkNull(Object arg1, ExpressionInterface swri, State state)
Check for Java nulls and logs any errorsprotected FStack
ModuleEvaluator. cloneIntrinsicFunctions(State state)
protected VStack
ModuleEvaluator. cloneIntrinsicVariables(State state)
protected QDLStem
AbstractEvaluator. convertArgsToStem(Polyad polyad, Object arg, State state, String component)
Converts a couple of different arguments to the form [[a0{,b0}],[a1{,b1}],...,[an{,bn}] or (if a single argument that is a stem) can pass back:abstract boolean
AbstractEvaluator. dispatch(Polyad polyad, State state)
Does the actual evaluation of thePolyad
FunctionEvaluator. dispatch(Polyad polyad, State state)
IOEvaluator. dispatch(Polyad polyad, State state)
ListEvaluator. dispatch(Polyad polyad, State state)
MathEvaluator. dispatch(Polyad polyad, State state)
MetaEvaluator. dispatch(Polyad polyad, State state)
ModuleEvaluator. dispatch(Polyad polyad, State state)
OpEvaluator. dispatch(Polyad polyad, State state)
StemEvaluator. dispatch(Polyad polyad, State state)
StringEvaluator. dispatch(Polyad polyad, State state)
SystemEvaluator. dispatch(Polyad polyad, State state)
TMathEvaluator. dispatch(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
MathEvaluator. doAbs(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
StringEvaluator. doCaput(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
StemEvaluator. doCommonKeys(Polyad polyad, State state)
common_keys(stem1., stem2.)
Return a list of keys common to both stems.protected void
SystemEvaluator. doConstants(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
StringEvaluator. doContains(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
OpEvaluator. doContainsKey(Dyad dyad, State state, boolean containsKey)
protected void
MathEvaluator. doDates(Polyad polyad, State state, boolean isInMillis)
protected void
StringEvaluator. doDetokeninze(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
StringEvaluator. doDiff(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
IOEvaluator. doDir(Polyad polyad, State state)
Quick note.protected void
OpEvaluator. doDyadComparisonOperator(Dyad dyad, State state)
protected void
OpEvaluator. doDyadEqualsOperator(Dyad dyad, State state)
protected void
OpEvaluator. doDyadIntegerDivide(Dyad dyad, State state)
protected void
OpEvaluator. doDyadLogicalOperator(Dyad dyad, State state)
protected void
OpEvaluator. doDyadMinus(Dyad dyad, State state)
protected void
OpEvaluator. doDyadPlus(Dyad dyad, State state)
For dyadic plus.protected void
OpEvaluator. doDyadTimesOrDivide(Dyad dyad, State state, boolean doTimes)
protected void
StemEvaluator. doExcludeKeys(Polyad polyad, State state)
exclude_keys(stem., var | list.)
remove all the keys in list.protected void
StemEvaluator. doForEach(Polyad polyad, State state)
Apply n-ary function to outer product of stems.protected void
SystemEvaluator. doFork(Polyad polyad, State state)
Run a script in its own thread.protected void
StemEvaluator. doFromJSON(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
FunctionEvaluator. doFunctionEvaluation(Polyad polyad, State state, FR_WithState frs)
Executes a user-defined function, defined in QDL., E.g.protected void
MathEvaluator. doHash(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
StemEvaluator. doHasKey(Polyad polyad, State state)
has_keys(key | keysList., arg.) returns left conformable result if the key or keylist.protected void
StemEvaluator. doHasKeys(Polyad polyad, State state)
Deprecated.protected void
MathEvaluator. doIdentityFunction(Polyad polyad, State state)
The identity function returns its argument.protected void
ModuleEvaluator. doImport(Polyad polyad, State state)
Eithjer import(string) - namespace import(string, mode) - mode is a string or integer returns the instance of the module.protected void
StemEvaluator. doIncludeKeys(Polyad polyad, State state)
include_keys(stem., var | list.);
include keys on the right in the resulting stemprotected void
StringEvaluator. doIndexOf(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
StemEvaluator. doIndices(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
StringEvaluator. doInsert(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
SystemEvaluator. doInterpret(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
SystemEvaluator. doInterrupt(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
OpEvaluator. doIsDefinedDyad(Dyad dyad, State state, boolean isDefined)
protected void
FunctionEvaluator. doIsFunction(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
StemEvaluator. doIsList(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
StemEvaluator. doIsMemberOf(Polyad polyad, State state)
Compute if the left argument is a member of the right argument.protected void
FunctionEvaluator. doJavaFunction(Polyad polyad, State state, FR_WithState frs)
Executes a user-defined function, defined in Java as an implementation ofQDLFunction
.protected void
StemEvaluator. doJoin(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
StemEvaluator. doJPathQuery(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
StemEvaluator. doKeys(Polyad polyad, State state)
Return a stem of nothing key the keys, possibly filtering, so the final stem is of the formprotected void
SystemEvaluator. doKillProcess(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
ListEvaluator. doListCopyOrInsert(Polyad polyad, State state, boolean doInsert)
protected void
StemEvaluator. doListKeys(Polyad polyad, State state)
Returns the keys in a stem as a list, filtering if wanted.protected void
ListEvaluator. doListReverse(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
ListEvaluator. doListSort(Polyad polyad, State state)
Always returns a sorted list.protected void
ListEvaluator. doListStartsWith(Polyad polyad, State state)
Returns a list of indices.protected boolean
ListEvaluator. doListSubset(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
ModuleEvaluator. doLoad(Polyad polyad, State state)
Contract is that the type as an explicit argument is no longer required.protected void
SystemEvaluator. doLoadModule(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
StemEvaluator. doMakeIndex(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
StemEvaluator. doMask(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
MathEvaluator. doMax(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
MathEvaluator. doMin(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
MathEvaluator. doMinOrMax(Polyad polyad, State state, boolean isMax)
protected void
IOEvaluator. doMkDir(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
SystemEvaluator. doModuleImport(Polyad polyad, State state)
The general contract for import.protected void
SystemEvaluator. doModulePaths(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
MathEvaluator. doModulus(Polyad polyad, State state)
Compute the modulus of two numbers, i.e.protected void
OpEvaluator. doMonadicTilde(Monad monad, State state, boolean isStile)
protected void
OpEvaluator. doMonadIncOrDec(Monad monad, State state, boolean isPlusPlus)
NOTE that at this point this only works for single variables -- you can't apply this to a stem.protected void
OpEvaluator. doMonadMinus(Monad monad, State state)
protected void
OpEvaluator. doMonadNot(Monad monad, State state)
protected void
OpEvaluator. doMonadPlus(Monad monad, State state)
protected void
SystemEvaluator. doNewLoadModule(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
MathEvaluator. doNumericDigits(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
StringEvaluator. doOldReplace(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
SystemEvaluator. doOSEnv(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected boolean
ListEvaluator. doPickSubset(Polyad polyad, State state)
Pick elements based on a function that is supplied.protected void
SystemEvaluator. doRaiseError(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
MathEvaluator. doRandom(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
MathEvaluator. doRandomString(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
IOEvaluator. doReadFile(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
OpEvaluator. doRegexMatch(Dyad dyad, State state)
Contract is expression regex ≈ expression returns true if it matches expression as a string.protected void
StemEvaluator. doRemove(Polyad polyad, State state)
Remove the entire variable from the symbol table.protected void
StemEvaluator. doRenameKeys(Polyad polyad, State state)
rename_keys(arg., indices.);
list.protected void
StringEvaluator. doReplace(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected QDLSet
StringEvaluator. doReplace(Polyad polyad, QDLSet inSet, QDLStem replacements, QDLStem regexStem, State state)
protected QDLStem
StringEvaluator. doReplace(Polyad polyad, QDLStem inStem, QDLStem replacements, QDLStem regexStem, State state)
Do replace where there is an arbitrary stem and a stem of replacements and regexes The keys for the replacements and regexes correspond, and the replacements happen to every elements if inStem, the target of the replacement.protected void
SystemEvaluator. doReturn(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
IOEvaluator. doRMDir(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
IOEvaluator. doRMFile(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
SystemEvaluator. doSay(Polyad polyad, State state, boolean printIt)
Does print, say and to_string commands.protected void
IOEvaluator. doScan(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
SystemEvaluator. doScriptArgs(Polyad polyad, State state)
This will return a given script arg for a given index.protected void
SystemEvaluator. doScriptArgs2(Polyad polyad, State state)
New function for script arguments.protected void
SystemEvaluator. doScriptPaths(Polyad polyad, State state)
This accepts either a stem of paths or a single string that is parsed.protected void
StemEvaluator. doSetDefault(Polyad polyad, State state)
Sets the default value for a stem.protected void
OpEvaluator. doSetUnionOrInteresection(Dyad dyad, State state)
protected void
StemEvaluator. doShuffle(Polyad polyad, State state)
Permute the elements in a stem.protected Object
OpEvaluator. doSingleApply(Object lArg, DyadicFunctionReferenceNode fNode, Object defaultValue, State state, Dyad dyad)
protected Object
OpEvaluator. doSingleApply(Object lArg, FunctionReferenceNode fNode, Object defaultValue, State state, Dyad dyad)
apply the argument to a single function.protected Object
OpEvaluator. doSingleApply(Object lArg, FunctionReferenceNode fNode, State actualState)
protected void
StemEvaluator. doSize(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
StringEvaluator. doSubstring(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
StringEvaluator. doSwapCase(Polyad polyad, State state, boolean isLower)
protected void
SystemEvaluator. doSysInfo(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
StringEvaluator. doTail(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
OpEvaluator. doTilde(Dyad dyad, State state)
protected void
StemEvaluator. doToJSON(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
StringEvaluator. doTokenize(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
StemEvaluator. doTransform(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
StringEvaluator. doTrim(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
OpEvaluator. doUnaryPlusMinus(Monad monad, State state, Long sign)
This will evaluate the expression and take its opposite.protected void
ModuleEvaluator. doUse(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
StemEvaluator. doValues(Polyad polyad, State state)
SystemEvaluator. doVarType(Polyad polyad, State state)
Get the type of the argument.protected void
IOEvaluator. doWriteFile(Polyad polyad, State state)
AbstractEvaluator. evaluate(String alias, Polyad polyad, State state)
AbstractEvaluator. evaluate(Polyad polyad, State state)
Decides if aPolyad
is evaluated by this evaluator and if not, returns false, if so, it evaluates it and returns true.boolean
FunctionEvaluator. evaluate(String alias, Polyad polyad, State state)
FunctionEvaluator. evaluate(Polyad polyad, State state)
MetaEvaluator. evaluate(String alias, Polyad polyad, State state)
MetaEvaluator. evaluate(Polyad polyad, State state)
OpEvaluator. evaluate(Dyad dyad, State state)
OpEvaluator. evaluate(Monad monad, State state)
OpEvaluator. evaluate(Nilad nilad, State state)
OpEvaluator. evaluate(Polyad polyad, State state)
OpEvaluator. evaluate2(Dyad dyad, State state)
OpEvaluator. evaluate2(Monad monad, State state)
MetaEvaluator. evaluateNEW(Polyad polyad, State state)
Proposed method to allow for overriding base system functions.protected Object
OpEvaluator. evaluateNextArgForApplies(Object lArg, Object rArg, Object defaultValue, State state, Dyad dyad)
MetaEvaluator. evaluateOLD(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
FunctionEvaluator. figureOutEvaluation(Polyad polyad, State state, boolean checkForDuplicates)
protected Object
StemEvaluator. forEachEval(ExpressionImpl f, State state, List args)
protected void
StemEvaluator. forEachRecursion(QDLStem output, ExpressionImpl f, State state, Object[] args, IndexList indexList, ArrayList values, int currentIndex)
protected String
ModuleEvaluator. getClassPathFromToolPath(List<String> toolPath, State state)
protected void
SystemEvaluator. getConst(Polyad polyad, State state, QDLStem values)
protected FunctionReferenceNodeInterface
AbstractEvaluator. getFunctionReferenceNode(State state, ExpressionInterface arg0)
AbstractEvaluator. getFunctionReferenceNode(State state, ExpressionInterface arg0, boolean pushNewState)
This will take a node that is either a function reference,FunctionDefinitionStatement
or perhaps aLambdaDefinitionNode
and determine the rightFunctionReferenceNode
, updating the state (including adding local state as needed for the duration of the evaluation).static ExpressionImpl
AbstractEvaluator. getOperator(State state, FunctionReferenceNodeInterface frNode, int nAry)
get a polyad or dyad (for the operator) from theFunctionReferenceNode
.protected QDLStem
AbstractEvaluator. getOrCreateStem(ExpressionInterface node, State state, String informativeMessage)
This will take anExpressionImpl
that should contain a stem, check the reference and it the stem does not exist, create and put it in the symbol table.protected void
SystemEvaluator. isDefined(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
SystemEvaluator. loadScript(Polyad polyad, State state)
static void
AbstractEvaluator. process1(ExpressionImpl polyad, AbstractEvaluator.fPointer pointer, String name, State state)
Main workhorse for monadic system functions.static void
AbstractEvaluator. process2(ExpressionImpl polyad, AbstractEvaluator.fPointer pointer, String name, State state)
Main workhorse method of evaluating a QDL dyadic system function.static void
AbstractEvaluator. process2(ExpressionImpl polyad, AbstractEvaluator.fPointer pointer, String name, State state, boolean optionalArgs)
Notestatic void
AbstractEvaluator. process3(ExpressionImpl polyad, AbstractEvaluator.fPointer pointer, String name, State state, boolean optionalArguments)
Main workhorse for evaluating QDL system valence 3 functions.protected QDLStem
IOEvaluator. processWriteFileStem(QDLStem input, State state, Polyad polyad)
protected QDLStem
IOEvaluator. readFileStem(QDLStem input, QDLStem types, Long defaultType, State state, Polyad polyad)
protected Object
IOEvaluator. readSingleFile(String fileName, Long type, State state, Polyad polyad)
protected ArrayList<XThing>
FunctionEvaluator. resolveArguments(FunctionRecordInterface functionRecord, Polyad polyad, State state, State localState)
This will take the function record and polyad and find the arguments that are requested in the function record vs.VFSEntry
AbstractEvaluator. resolveResourceToFile(String resourceName, int type, State state)
This will look at the resource name and decide if it is in a VFS and resolve it against that.static QDLScript
SystemEvaluator. resolveScript(String name, List<String> paths, State state)
This will use the path information and try to resolve the script based on that.static int
SystemEvaluator. runnit(Polyad polyad, State state, boolean hasNewState)
static int
SystemEvaluator. runnit(Polyad polyad, State state, List<String> paths, boolean hasNewState, boolean newThread)
protected void
SystemEvaluator. runScript(Polyad polyad, State state)
Run an external qdl script with its own state.static String
AbstractEvaluator. tempFname(State state)
Create an unused name for a function.protected boolean
FunctionEvaluator. tryScript(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
IOEvaluator. vfsMount(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
IOEvaluator. vfsUnmount(Polyad polyad, State state)
protected void
IOEvaluator. writeSingleFile(String fileName, Object content, int fileType, State state, Polyad polyad)
Constructors in org.qdl_lang.evaluate with parameters of type State Constructor Description AxisExpand(ExpressionImpl operator, State state)
AxisReduce(ExpressionImpl operator, State state)
Uses of State in org.qdl_lang.expressions
Methods in org.qdl_lang.expressions that return State Modifier and Type Method Description State
ModuleExpression. getAmbientState()
ModuleExpression. getLocalState(State state)
ModuleExpression. getModuleState()
ModuleExpression. getModuleState(State state)
The state of the current module only.Methods in org.qdl_lang.expressions with parameters of type State Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
IndexArgs. add(IndexArg indexArg, State state)
protected IndexArgs
StemExtractionNode. checkIfAlreadyLinearized(State state)
protected IndexArgs
IndexArgs. checkIfList(IndexArg indexArg, State state)
protected Object
ExpressionStemNode. doLeftSVCase(ExpressionInterface leftArg, List<ExpressionInterface> indices, State state)
Case that the left hand argument is a stem variable.protected Object
ExpressionStemNode. doLeftSVCase(ExpressionInterface leftArg, ExpressionInterface rightArg, State state)
ExpressionImpl. evalArg(int index, State state)
ExpressionImpl. evalLastArg(State state)
AltIfExpressionNode. evaluate(State state)
ANode2. evaluate(State state)
ClosedSliceNode. evaluate(State state)
ComparisonDyad. evaluate(State state)
ConstantNode. evaluate(State state)
Dyad. evaluate(State state)
ESN2. evaluate(State state)
ExpressionStemNode. evaluate(State state)
Since this is a dyadic operation in the parser, the result will be a tree of objects of the formObject
ModuleExpression. evaluate(State ambientState)
Monad. evaluate(State state)
Nilad. evaluate(State state)
OpenSliceNode. evaluate(State state)
ParenthesizedExpression. evaluate(State state)
Polyad. evaluate(State state)
SelectExpressionNode. evaluate(State state)
StemExtractionNode. evaluate(State state)
VariableNode. evaluate(State state)
ExpressionImpl. evaluatedArgs(State state)
Evaluate the arguments using the given state and set theExpressionImpl.setEvaluatedArgs(List)
Calling this evaluates the args.protected Object
ESN2. get(State state)
ModuleExpression. getLocalState(State state)
ModuleExpression. getModuleState(State state)
The state of the current module only.protected Object
ExpressionStemNode. getOrSetValue(State state, boolean setValue, Object newValue)
protected Object
ComparisonDyad. handleEquals(State state)
In this case, we have A == B or A != B.protected List<IndexArg>
StemExtractionNode. linearize(State state)
Start linearizing the tree.protected IndexArgs
StemExtractionNode. linearizeLeftArgs(List<IndexArg> indices, State state)
Some parts of parse trees are left balanced, not right.Object
ANode2. newAssign(State state)
protected Object
ComparisonDyad. newEvaluate(State state)
protected Object
SelectExpressionNode. NEWevaluate(State state)
protected Object
SelectExpressionNode. OLDevaluate(State state)
ESN2. remove(State state)
ESN2. set(State state, Object newValue)
ModuleExpression. set(State state, Object newValue)
Set the value of this expression using the statevoid
ModuleExpression. setAmbientState(State ambientState)
ModuleExpression. setModuleState(State moduleState)
ExpressionStemNode. setValue(State state, Object newValue)
Uses of State in org.qdl_lang.extensions
Methods in org.qdl_lang.extensions with parameters of type State Modifier and Type Method Description Object
QDLFunction. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
The method that is invoked by QDL that is the function.void
JavaModule. init(State state)
This is critical in that it puts all the functions and variables (with their correct alias) in to the state for this module.void
JavaModule. init(State state, boolean doVariables)
Uses of State in org.qdl_lang.extensions.convert
Methods in org.qdl_lang.extensions.convert with parameters of type State Modifier and Type Method Description Object
QDLConvert.GetAttributes. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
QDLConvert.HOCONExport. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
QDLConvert.HOCONImport. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
QDLConvert.IniExport. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
QDLConvert.IniImport. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
QDLConvert.QDLExport. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
QDLConvert.QDLImport. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
QDLConvert.Snarf. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
QDLConvert.XMLExport. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
QDLConvert.XMLImport. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
QDLConvert.YAMLExport. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
QDLConvert.YAMLImport. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
protected String
QDLConvert. getFileArg(Object object, State state, String name)
This will look into the object if it is a stem or string and determine if there is a file to import.protected Object
QDLConvert.XMLImport. newEvaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
protected Object
QDLConvert.XMLImport. newEvaluate2(Object[] objects, State state)
Uses XML to JSON (Jackson, actually) serialization.Module
QDLConvertModule. newInstance(State state)
Uses of State in org.qdl_lang.extensions.crypto
Methods in org.qdl_lang.extensions.crypto with parameters of type State Modifier and Type Method Description Object
Crypto.CreateKey. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
Crypto.Decrypt. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
Crypto.Encrypt. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
Crypto.ExportKeys. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
Crypto.FromJWT. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
Crypto.GetPublicKey. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
Crypto.ImportKey. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
Crypto.ReadCert. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
Crypto.ReadOID. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
Crypto.ToJWT. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
Crypto.VerifyJWT. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
protected Object
Crypto. exportJWKS(Object[] objects, State state)
Does the actual work of exporting a JWKS set.protected Object
Crypto. exportPKCS(Object[] objects, State state)
Does the actual work or exporting various PKCS files.Object
Crypto. importJWKS(Object[] objects, State state)
Crypto. importPKCS(Object[] objects, State state)
CryptoModule. newInstance(State state)
Uses of State in org.qdl_lang.extensions.database
Methods in org.qdl_lang.extensions.database with parameters of type State Modifier and Type Method Description Object
QDLDB.BatchExecute. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
QDLDB.BatchRead. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
QDLDB.Connect. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
QDLDB.Execute. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
QDLDB.Read. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
QDLDB.Update. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
QDLDBModule. newInstance(State state)
Uses of State in org.qdl_lang.extensions.dynamodb
Methods in org.qdl_lang.extensions.dynamodb with parameters of type State Modifier and Type Method Description Object
DynamoDB.Close. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
DynamoDB.Get. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
DynamoDB.Open. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
DynamoDB.PartitionKeyFunction. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
DynamoDB.RegionFunction. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
DynamoDB.Regions. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
DynamoDB.TableNameFunction. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
QDLDynamoDBModule. newInstance(State state)
Uses of State in org.qdl_lang.extensions.examples.basic
Methods in org.qdl_lang.extensions.examples.basic with parameters of type State Modifier and Type Method Description Object
ConcatFunction. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
ExtrinsicFunction. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
FEvalFunction. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
EGModule. newInstance(State state)
Uses of State in org.qdl_lang.extensions.examples.stateful
Methods in org.qdl_lang.extensions.examples.stateful with parameters of type State Modifier and Type Method Description Object
StatefulExample.GetS. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
StatefulExample.SetS. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
StatefulModule. newInstance(State state)
Uses of State in org.qdl_lang.extensions.http
Methods in org.qdl_lang.extensions.http with parameters of type State Modifier and Type Method Description Object
HTTPClient. doPostOrPut(Object[] objects, State state, boolean isPost)
HTTPClient.Close. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
HTTPClient.CreateCredentials. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
HTTPClient.Delete. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
HTTPClient.Download. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
HTTPClient.Get. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
HTTPClient.Headers. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
HTTPClient.Host. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
HTTPClient.IsJSON. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
HTTPClient.IsOpen. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
HTTPClient.IsText. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
HTTPClient.Open. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
HTTPClient.Post. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
HTTPClient.Put. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
QDLHTTPModule. newInstance(State state)
Uses of State in org.qdl_lang.extensions.inputLine
Methods in org.qdl_lang.extensions.inputLine with parameters of type State Modifier and Type Method Description Object
QDLCLITools.ToStem. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
QDLCLIToolsModule. newInstance(State state)
Uses of State in org.qdl_lang.extensions.mail
Methods in org.qdl_lang.extensions.mail with parameters of type State Modifier and Type Method Description Object
QDLMail.Send. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
QDLMail.SetCfg. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
QDLMailModule. newInstance(State state)
Uses of State in org.qdl_lang.extensions.X509
Methods in org.qdl_lang.extensions.X509 with parameters of type State Modifier and Type Method Description Object
X509.LoadKeystore. evaluate(Object[] objects, State state)
X509Module. newInstance(State state)
Uses of State in org.qdl_lang.functions
Methods in org.qdl_lang.functions that return State Modifier and Type Method Description State
DyadicFunctionReferenceNode. getModuleState()
FunctionReferenceNode. getModuleState()
FunctionReferenceNodeInterface. getModuleState()
Methods in org.qdl_lang.functions with parameters of type State Modifier and Type Method Description Object
DyadicFunctionReferenceNode. evaluate(State state)
FunctionDefinitionStatement. evaluate(State state)
FunctionReferenceNode. evaluate(State state)
LambdaDefinitionNode. evaluate(State state)
FStack. getStateStack(State state)
DyadicFunctionReferenceNode. setModuleState(State moduleState)
FunctionReferenceNode. setModuleState(State moduleState)
FunctionReferenceNodeInterface. setModuleState(State moduleState)
FStack. setStateStack(State state, XStack xStack)
Uses of State in org.qdl_lang.gui
Methods in org.qdl_lang.gui with parameters of type State Modifier and Type Method Description static org.fife.ui.autocomplete.CompletionProvider
QDLSwingUtil. createCompletionProvider(State state)
Create the auto completion provider with a given state object. -
Uses of State in org.qdl_lang.module
Methods in org.qdl_lang.module that return State Modifier and Type Method Description State
Module. getState()
Methods in org.qdl_lang.module with parameters of type State Modifier and Type Method Description XStack
MIStack. getStateStack(State state)
MTStack. getStateStack(State state)
abstract Module
Module. newInstance(State state)
Modules are effectively templates.Module
QDLModule. newInstance(State state)
Module. setState(State state)
MIStack. setStateStack(State state, XStack xStack)
MTStack. setStateStack(State state, XStack xStack)
Constructors in org.qdl_lang.module with parameters of type State Constructor Description Module(URI namespace, String alias, State state)
Module(URI namespace, State state)
Uses of State in org.qdl_lang.parsing
Methods in org.qdl_lang.parsing that return State Modifier and Type Method Description State
QDLInterpreter. getState()
QDLRunner. getState()
Methods in org.qdl_lang.parsing with parameters of type State Modifier and Type Method Description Object
ParseExpressionBlockNode. evaluate(State state)
ParseStatementBlock. evaluate(State state)
protected QDLParserParser
QDLParserDriver. getParser(Reader reader, State state)
protected QDLParserParser
QDLParserDriver. getParser2(InputStream inputStream, State state)
protected void
QDLRunner. run(int startIndex, State currentState)
QDLRunner. setState(State state)
You may inject state at runtime if you need this to start with some existing state.Constructors in org.qdl_lang.parsing with parameters of type State Constructor Description QDLInterpreter( environment, State state)
QDLInterpreter(State state)
QDLListener(ParsingMap parsingMap, State state)
Note that the state is supplied here not for evaluation, but because it has the evaluators needed to resolve the various types of operators that are being produced by the parser.QDLParserDriver( environment, State state)
Uses of State in
Methods in that return State Modifier and Type Method Description State
QDLExe. createState()
Uses of State in org.qdl_lang.state
Fields in org.qdl_lang.state declared as State Modifier and Type Field Description State
SIEntry. state
Methods in org.qdl_lang.state that return State Modifier and Type Method Description static State
StateUtils. clone(State state)
Take the current state and make a complete copy of it.abstract State
StateUtils. create()
static State
State. getFactory()
static State
State. getRootState()
At system startup this is set to be the top-level state object for the system.State
AbstractState. getSuperState()
Superstate is used in modules.State
State. getTargetState()
The target state is used in cases where argument lists are processed.static State
StateUtils. javaClone(State state)
static State
StateUtils. load(InputStream inputStream)
See note onStateUtils.load(State, XMLEventReader)
static State
StateUtils. load(XMLEventReader xer)
static State
StateUtils. load(State state, XMLEventReader xer)
Read in the state from an even reader.static State
StateUtils. load(State state, SerializationState SerializationState, XMLEventReader xer)
static State
StateUtils. loadb64(String encodedState)
Deserialize the state from a base 64 encoded string.State
State. newCleanState()
This creates a completely clean state, using the current environment (so modules and script paths, but not variables, modules etc.) and preserves debuggingState
State. newFunctionState()
Carries over modules and functions, but not variables.State
State. newInstance()
A new instance with the default components.State
State. newInstance(VStack symbolStack, OpEvaluator opEvaluator, MetaEvaluator metaEvaluator, FStack<? extends FTable<? extends FKey,? extends FunctionRecordInterface>> ftStack, MTStack mtStack, MIStack miStack, myLoggingFacade, boolean isServerMode, boolean isRestrictedIO, boolean assertionsOn)
If you extend this class, you must override this method to return a new instance of your state with everything in it you want or need.static State
StateUtils. newInstance()
State. newLocalState()
Convenience method fornewLocalState(State)
with a null argumentState
State. newLocalState(State moduleState)
Creates a new state object and pushes the moduleState's stacks onto the current one.State
State. newSelectiveState(State moduleState)
State. newSelectiveState(State moduleState, boolean inheritVariables)
Create a clean state, taking the old modules from moduleState, all the functions and allowing inheritance of the current variable stackState
State. newSelectiveState(State moduleState, boolean inheritFunctions, boolean inheritVariables)
This will clone the current state and will add the modules (templates and instances -- old modules) from moduleState.State
State. newSelectiveState(State moduleState, boolean inheritModules, boolean inheritFunctions, boolean inheritVariables, boolean inheritIntrinsics)
Create a new state based on the current state and choosing what to inherit.Methods in org.qdl_lang.state with parameters of type State Modifier and Type Method Description void
LibLoader. add(State state)
Typically this just callsaddLibEntries(String, QDLStem)
oraddLibEntry(String, String, String)
.static State
StateUtils. clone(State state)
Take the current state and make a complete copy of it.void
XStack. deserializeFromJSON(net.sf.json.JSONObject jsonObject, SerializationState serializationState, State state)
XStack. deserializeFromJSONNEW(net.sf.json.JSONObject jsonObject, SerializationState serializationState, State state)
XStack. deserializeFromJSONOLD(net.sf.json.JSONObject jsonObject, SerializationState serializationState, State state)
abstract XStack
XStack. getStateStack(State state)
This gets the stack corresponding to this class from the state..void
State. injectTransientFields(State oldState)
For the case where this has been deserialized and needs to have its transient fields initialized.static State
StateUtils. javaClone(State state)
static State
StateUtils. load(State state, XMLEventReader xer)
Read in the state from an even reader.static State
StateUtils. load(State state, SerializationState SerializationState, XMLEventReader xer)
State. newLocalState(State moduleState)
Creates a new state object and pushes the moduleState's stacks onto the current one.State
State. newSelectiveState(State moduleState)
State. newSelectiveState(State moduleState, boolean inheritVariables)
Create a clean state, taking the old modules from moduleState, all the functions and allowing inheritance of the current variable stackState
State. newSelectiveState(State moduleState, boolean inheritFunctions, boolean inheritVariables)
This will clone the current state and will add the modules (templates and instances -- old modules) from moduleState.State
State. newSelectiveState(State moduleState, boolean inheritModules, boolean inheritFunctions, boolean inheritVariables, boolean inheritIntrinsics)
Create a new state based on the current state and choosing what to inherit.static void
StateUtils. save(State state, OutputStream outputStream)
Serialize the Sate object to the given output stream.static String
StateUtils. saveb64(State state)
Serialize the state to a base 64 encoded string.static void
State. setFactory(State factory)
static void
State. setRootState(State newRoot)
abstract void
XStack. setStateStack(State state, XStack xStack)
This sets the stack corresponding to this class from the state with the given stack.void
AbstractState. setSuperState(State superState)
State. setTargetState(State targetState)
static int
StateUtils. size(State state)
Constructors in org.qdl_lang.state with parameters of type State Constructor Description QDLThread(State qdlState, QDLScript qdlScript, int pid)
Uses of State in org.qdl_lang.statements
Methods in org.qdl_lang.statements with parameters of type State Modifier and Type Method Description protected Object
WhileLoop. doBasicWhile(State localState)
protected Object
WhileLoop. doForLoop(State localState)
protected Object
WhileLoop. doPostLoop(State localState)
AssertStatement. evaluate(State state)
BlockStatement. evaluate(State state)
ConditionalStatement. evaluate(State state)
LocalBlockStatement. evaluate(State state)
ModuleStatement. evaluate(State state)
Statement. evaluate(State state)
SwitchStatement. evaluate(State state)
TryCatch. evaluate(State state)
WhileLoop. evaluate(State state)
protected Object
WhileLoop. forKeysOrValuesLoop(State localState, boolean doKeys)
for_keys(var, stem.) -- Loop over the keys in a given stem, assigning each to the var. -
Uses of State in org.qdl_lang.util
Methods in org.qdl_lang.util with parameters of type State Modifier and Type Method Description static boolean
QDLFileUtil. canRead(State state, String path)
ModuleUtils. convertArgsToStem(Polyad polyad, Object arg, State state, String component)
Converts a couple of different arguments to the form [[a0{,b0}],[a1{,b1}],...,[an{,bn}] or (if a single argument that is a stem) can pass back:static void
QDLFileUtil. copy(State state, String source, String target)
ModuleUtils. deserializeFromJSON(State state, net.sf.json.JSONObject json, boolean useModule, SerializationState serializationState)
ModuleUtils. deserializeFromJSON(State state, net.sf.json.JSONObject json, SerializationState serializationState)
This starts the load from the JSON since which type of module to instantiate is needed, so the right module has to exist beforeModule.deserializeFromJSON(JSONObject, SerializationState)
can be called.void
ModuleUtils. deserializeUsedModules(State state, net.sf.json.JSONArray jsonArray, SerializationState serializationState)
static String[]
QDLFileUtil. dir(State state, String path)
static String[]
QDLFileUtil. dir(State state, String path, WorkspaceCommands.RegexFileFilter regexFileFilter)
ModuleUtils. doJavaModuleLoad(State state, String resourceName, JavaModuleConfig javaModuleConfig)
Load a single java module, returning a null if it failed or the FQ name if it worked.List<String>
ModuleUtils. doQDLModuleLoad(State state, String resourceName)
Load the module(s) in a single resource.static boolean
QDLFileUtil. exists(State state, String path)
static String
InputFormUtil. inputForm(String fName, int argCount, State state)
Look up a function for the given state by arg count.static String
InputFormUtil. inputFormModule(String moduleName, State state)
static String
InputFormUtil. inputFormModule(URI moduleNS, State state)
Finds the input form for a module.static String
InputFormUtil. inputFormVar(String varName, int indentFactor, State state)
Finds the input form for a variable from the state.static String
InputFormUtil. inputFormVar(String varName, State state)
static boolean
QDLFileUtil. isDirectory(State state, String path)
static long
QDLFileUtil. length(State state, String path)
static QDLFileUtil.FileAttributes
QDLFileUtil. readAttributes(State state, String fullPath)
Read off the file attributes (such as name, length etc.) from the given filestatic byte[]
QDLFileUtil. readBinaryFile(State state, String fullPath)
Main entry point for reading a binary file.static byte[]
QDLFileUtil. readBinaryVFS(State state, String path)
Read the bytes from the VFS file.static InputStream
QDLFileUtil. readFileAsInputStream(State state, String fullPath)
static String
QDLFileUtil. readTextFile(State state, String fullPath)
Main entry point for reading a text file as linesstatic List<String>
QDLFileUtil. readTextFileAsLines(State state, String fullPath)
Main entry point for reading a text file as lines.static QDLStem
QDLFileUtil. readTextFileAsStem(State state, String fullPath)
main entry point for reading a text file as a stem.static String
QDLFileUtil. readTextVFS(State state, String path)
ModuleUtils. serializeUsedModules(State state, SerializationState serializationState)
ModuleUtils. updateSerializedState(net.sf.json.JSONObject jsonObject, State state, SerializationState serializationState)
There are two steps to deserialzing a workspace.void
ModuleUtils. updateUsedModuleState(net.sf.json.JSONObject jsonObject, State state, SerializationState serializationState)
static void
QDLFileUtil. writeBinaryFile(State state, String fullPath, byte[] bytes)
Main entry point for writing a binary filestatic void
QDLFileUtil. writeBinaryVFS(State state, String path, byte[] bytes)
Write the set of bytes to the given VFS file.static void
QDLFileUtil. writeTextFile(State state, String fullPath, String contents)
static void
QDLFileUtil. writeTextFile(State state, String fullPath, List<String> contents)
static void
QDLFileUtil. writeTextVFS(State state, String path, String content)
Uses of State in org.qdl_lang.variables
Methods in org.qdl_lang.variables with parameters of type State Modifier and Type Method Description static void
StemUtility. doNodeSurgery(ExpressionStemNode ESN, State state)
QDLSetNode. evaluate(State state)
StemEntryNode. evaluate(State state)
StemListNode. evaluate(State state)
StemVariableNode. evaluate(State state)
VStack. getStateStack(State state)
VStack. setStateStack(State state, XStack xStack)
Uses of State in org.qdl_lang.workspace
Methods in org.qdl_lang.workspace that return State Modifier and Type Method Description State
BufferManager. getState()
WorkspaceCommands. getState()
Creates the top-level state object for the system.Methods in org.qdl_lang.workspace with parameters of type State Modifier and Type Method Description void
WorkspaceCommands. setState(State state)
This is used in serialization tests.protected void
WorkspaceCommands. setupJavaModule(State state, QDLLoader loader, boolean importASAP)
Uses of State in org.qdl_lang.xml
Fields in org.qdl_lang.xml with type parameters of type State Modifier and Type Field Description Map<UUID,State>
SerializationState. stateMap
Methods in org.qdl_lang.xml that return State Modifier and Type Method Description State
SerializationState. getState(UUID uuid)
Methods in org.qdl_lang.xml with parameters of type State Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
SerializationState. addState(State state)
The state, returning true if it was added and false otherwise.static void
XMLUtilsV2. deserializeExtrinsicFunctions(XMLEventReader xer, State state, SerializationState serializationState)
static void
XMLUtilsV2. deserializeExtrinsicVariables(XMLEventReader xer, State state, SerializationState serializationState)
static void
XMLUtils. deserializeFunctions(XMLEventReader xer, xp, State state)
static void
XMLUtilsV2. deserializeFunctions(XMLEventReader xer, State state, SerializationState serializationState)
static void
XMLUtils. deserializeImports(XMLEventReader xer, xp, State state)
static void
XMLUtilsV2. deserializeInstances(XMLEventReader xer, State state, SerializationState serializationState)
static void
XMLUtilsV2. deserializeIntrinsicFunctions(XMLEventReader xer, State state, SerializationState serializationState)
static void
XMLUtilsV2. deserializeIntrinsicVariables(XMLEventReader xer, State state, SerializationState serializationState)
protected static Module
XMLUtils. deserializeModule(XMLEventReader xer, XMLUtils.ModuleAttributes moduleAttributes, xp, State state)
process a single module.static void
XMLUtils. deserializeTemplates(XMLEventReader xer, xp, State state)
static void
XMLUtilsV2. deserializeTemplates(XMLEventReader xer, State state, SerializationState serializationState)
Deserializes a template stack of references.static void
XMLUtilsV2. deserializeVariables(XMLEventReader xer, State state, SerializationState serializationState)
protected static void
XMLUtilsV2. deserializeXStack(XMLEventReader xer, XStack xStack, State state, SerializationState serializationState)
static void
XMLUtils. oldDeserializeFunctions(XMLEventReader xer, xp, State state)
Used for reading very old serialized versions, before there were multiple stacks.boolean
SerializationState. processedState(State state)