Class VFSDatabase

  • public class VFSDatabase
    Note that all of the arguments to this database for keys are assumed to be normalized, resolved, etc., etc. so that no such logic is present here. The VFSFileProvider implementation that has an instance of this is charged with that.

    Created by Jeff Gaynor
    on 2/28/20 at 5:09 PM

    • Field Detail

      • PATH_NAME

        public static String PATH_NAME
      • FILE_NAME

        public static String FILE_NAME
      • CONTENT

        public static String CONTENT
    • Constructor Detail

      • VFSDatabase

        public VFSDatabase​( connectionPool,
                           String fqTablename)
    • Method Detail

      • selectByPath

        public List<String> selectByPath​(String path)
        This takes a path of the form a/b/c/.../d/ (note normalization with ending slash) and returns the entries (i.e. file names) for it. A single entry denotes this is a directory, effectively. No entries means this is not in the database.
        path -
      • getDistinctPaths

        public List<String> getDistinctPaths()
      • containsEntry

        public boolean containsEntry​(String[] key)
      • mkdir

        public boolean mkdir​(String[] key)
        Make a directory. NOTE you must check elsewhere if this exists before trying to create it.
        key -
      • clear

        public void clear()
        Completely empty the store of all entries.

        Use it wisely.