Class InputFormUtil

  • public class InputFormUtil
    extends Object
    Utility that converts various objects to their input form. Input form is defined as the statement to create the object. This might not reflect the current state of the object for modules since that is highly mutable.

    Created by Jeff Gaynor
    on 3/10/21 at 8:38 AM

    • Constructor Detail

      • InputFormUtil

        public InputFormUtil()
    • Method Detail

      • inputForm

        public static String inputForm​(Object obj)
      • inputForm

        public static String inputForm​(Long myLong)
      • isDBInRange

        protected static boolean isDBInRange​(BigDecimal d)
      • inputForm

        public static String inputForm​(String fName,
                                       int argCount,
                                       State state)
        Look up a function for the given state by arg count. If there is no such function, then an null string is returned.
        fName -
        argCount -
        state -
      • inputForm

        public static String inputForm​(QDLNull qdlNull)
      • inputForm

        public static String inputForm​(QDLStem stemVariable)
      • inputForm

        public static String inputForm​(QDLStem stemVariable,
                                       int indentFactor)
      • inputForm

        public static String inputForm​(QDLSet set)
      • inputFormModule

        public static String inputFormModule​(URI moduleNS,
                                             State state)
        Finds the input form for a module. Note that the name is either an alias, like acl or acl# (trailing # is optional) or the namespace (like oa4mp:/util/acl)
        moduleNS -
        state -
      • inputFormModule

        public static String inputFormModule​(String moduleName,
                                             State state)
      • inputFormVar

        public static String inputFormVar​(String varName,
                                          int indentFactor,
                                          State state)
        Finds the input form for a variable from the state.
        varName -
        state -
      • main

        public static void main​(String[] args)