Class QDLModule

    • Constructor Detail

      • QDLModule

        public QDLModule()
    • Method Detail

      • getFilePath

        public String getFilePath()
      • setFilePath

        public void setFilePath​(String filePath)
      • setModuleStatement

        public void setModuleStatement​(ModuleStatement moduleStatement)
      • newInstance

        public Module newInstance​(State state)
        Description copied from class: Module
        Modules are effectively templates. This passes in the state of the parser at the point a new module is required and the contract is to create a new instance of this module with the state. Note that the state passed in may have nothing to do with the state here. You are creating a new module for the given state using this as a template.

        All implementations should gracefully handle a null state with the assumption that the full state will be set later. This is because of bootstrapping networks of modules during deserialization.
        Specified by:
        newInstance in class Module
      • getListByTag

        public List<String> getListByTag()
        Documentation resides in the module definition, so it is loaded here at parse time.
        Specified by:
        getListByTag in class Module