Class SwingTerminal.QDLHistoryKeyAdapter

    • Constructor Detail

      • QDLHistoryKeyAdapter

        public QDLHistoryKeyAdapter​(WorkspaceCommands workspaceCommands,
                                    JFrame frame,
                                    org.fife.ui.rsyntaxtextarea.RSyntaxTextArea input,
                                    JTextArea output)
    • Method Detail

      • keyPressed

        public void keyPressed​(KeyEvent e)


        This is not just a text area, it is an RSyntaxTextArea which masks off various keystroked for itself. A symptom of this is if you attempt to use one of the (not well documented) reserved keystrokes, you will get mysterious enter key events as it tries to reformat (or whatever) the input area. So far the list of reserved keys are
        • a -- select all
        • c -- copy select to clipboard
        • d -- delete current line
        • j --(justify?)
        • k -- beeps?
        • v -- paste from clipbaord
        • x -- cut selected to clipboard
        Specified by:
        keyPressed in interface KeyListener
        keyPressed in class EditorKeyPressedAdapter
        e -