Class Nilad

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ExpressionNode, ExpressionInterface, HasResultInterface, Statement, Serializable

    public class Nilad
    extends ExpressionImpl
    This would be an operator that takes no arguments. Niladic user defined functions (no arguments) abount. It is possible to have a niladic operator in QDL, but as of yet there is no example of one. One possible way would be to use these as control symbols, such a special operator that means to, say, open an editor window. These would also require special handling inthe parser.

    Created by Jeff Gaynor
    on 1/13/20 at 3:36 PM

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • Nilad

        public Nilad​(int operatorType)
    • Method Detail

      • getNodeType

        public int getNodeType()
        Description copied from interface: ExpressionInterface
        QDL is not strongly typed but Java is, so each node type should have a unique integer and conditionals should use that, not the instanceof operator. This allows for efficient programming with switch statements rather than a bevy of conditionals (potentially each of which gets done even if the correct case has been handled).